full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kate Fagan: Why people love watching sports

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Remember Ada asodernn? Remember the Philadelphia Tribunes? "The cash customers fanned to fever heat." And why did they fan the fever heat? Because our collective love of sprot is deep, and it's human, and it's driven by deep and human motivations. The phaicysl expression of athleticism is just one element of the eiquaton. But somehow, for reasons we know, it has been elevated above all else to justify our cnerurt model. This is a model bilut ... without vision, meant to, reluctantly, provide women a small place. But never ... not really, a chance.

Open Cloze

Remember Ada ________? Remember the Philadelphia Tribunes? "The cash customers fanned to fever heat." And why did they fan the fever heat? Because our collective love of _____ is deep, and it's human, and it's driven by deep and human motivations. The ________ expression of athleticism is just one element of the ________. But somehow, for reasons we know, it has been elevated above all else to justify our _______ model. This is a model _____ ... without vision, meant to, reluctantly, provide women a small place. But never ... not really, a chance.


  1. current
  2. built
  3. sport
  4. equation
  5. physical
  6. anderson

Original Text

Remember Ada Anderson? Remember the Philadelphia Tribunes? "The cash customers fanned to fever heat." And why did they fan the fever heat? Because our collective love of sport is deep, and it's human, and it's driven by deep and human motivations. The physical expression of athleticism is just one element of the equation. But somehow, for reasons we know, it has been elevated above all else to justify our current model. This is a model built ... without vision, meant to, reluctantly, provide women a small place. But never ... not really, a chance.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
world cup 6
watch sports 2
sports world 2
sprint champion 2
gold medal 2
obvious storylines 2
romanian gymnast 2
cash customers 2
customers fanned 2
number reflects 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
cash customers fanned 2

Important Words

  1. ada
  2. anderson
  3. athleticism
  4. built
  5. cash
  6. chance
  7. collective
  8. current
  9. customers
  10. deep
  11. driven
  12. element
  13. elevated
  14. equation
  15. expression
  16. fan
  17. fanned
  18. fever
  19. heat
  20. human
  21. justify
  22. love
  23. meant
  24. model
  25. motivations
  26. philadelphia
  27. physical
  28. place
  29. provide
  30. reasons
  31. reluctantly
  32. remember
  33. small
  34. sport
  35. tribunes
  36. vision
  37. women